Keywords: teacher, coach, physical education, physical culture, institutes of physical culture, faculties of physical education, sports, swimming


The purpose of the article is to highlight the socio-historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the trainingof coaches-teachers of water sports in higher education institutions of Ukraine (the second half of XX –the beginning of XXI century). The study allowed the use of the principle of taking into account a set of factsand a set of methods adequate to the purpose of the work (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison,generalization and systematization). The article reveals that the formation and development of the systemof training coaches-teachers of water sports in higher education institutions of Ukraine (the second half of XX – the beginning of XXI century) was due to a number of socio-historical and pedagogical preconditions.The most important socio-historical factors that influenced the formation and development of the systemof training teachers of water sports in higher education institutions of Ukraine (the second half of XX –the beginning of XXI century) were: the development of sports (introduction of swimming in the Olympicprogram, the creation of the International Federation swimming, holding the First All-Russian SportsOlympiad, holding the First Soviet Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR, competitions in water sports inyacht clubs, the growth of sportsmanship of athletes); the fighting of the First and Second World Eyelashes,and their consequences; revival of the mass sports movement, due to the mandatory military training of citizens,which included physical training with swimming skills; the focus of physical culture and sports on attractingthe masses; lack of opportunity for domestic athletes to enter the world sports arena, isolated cases of victoryin water sports, low level of sports training of Ukrainian athletes. Important pedagogical factors concerningthe research problem include: opening of institutions of higher education of physical culture profile, creationof faculties of physical education in pedagogical institutes and universities, continuation of activity of technicalschools of physical culture profile; creation and restoration of material base for physical culture and sports ingeneral and water sports in particular; increase in curricula and programs of hours for physical education;improvement of educational and methodological support of the process of training coaches-teachers inwater sports; reorganization of the system of higher education on the basis of industry and new requirementsfor coaching; significant shortage of personnel in physical culture, the need for professional developmentof coaching and teaching staff.


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