Keywords: socio-linguistic innovations, socio-cultural space, socio-cultural content line, linguistics, principles and educational conditions


The article considers the philosophical, theoretical and methodological aspects of socio-cultural factorsin the development of students’ communicative and speech competence of humanities and pedagogicalcollege. The purpose of the article is to clarify the principles, approaches and general educational conditions forthe formation of socio-cultural competence as part of the communicative-speech, as well as to formulateworking definitions of socio-cultural aspects of professional communicative-speech competence.A review and analysis of the views of home and foreign scholars on the essence and content of the socioculturalcomponent of education in the formation of the above competencies are carried through. The common,different and universal in the structure of the socio-cultural content line of professional linguistic Ukrainianand foreign language education and the place of linguistic, cultural, ethnographic and other knowledge, whichare integrative factors of language education, are clarified. The place of the socio-cultural principle of acquiringlinguistic education among other principles is determined and the relation between them is established.It is proved that the sociocultural content line in the content of education performs an integrative functionof relatively heterogeneous knowledge and can be successfully implemented provided the design, modelingand creation of educational sociocultural space at all didactic levels: from individual lessons to designand architectural design of academic classrooms, campuses, etc.The research uses general scientific methods of analysis, generalization, deduction (in modelingthe components of socio-cultural competence and the semantic line of its formation) and interdisciplinaryextrapolation of patterns in the system of socio-scientific sciences.The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time in Ukrainian linguodidactics the multifacetedstructure, components, functions and inter-component relations of socio-cultural factors of developmentof students’ communicative-speech competence of humanities and pedagogical college are defined.The article lays the theoretical and methodological foundations for empirical verification of the optimizingsignificance of the above factors for students of the humanities and pedagogical college, forecasting,design and implementation of appropriate methodological tools. The research can serve as a starting pointfor linguodidactic, sociolinguistic and linguocultural studies related to the study of the nature and structureof human verbal communication in today’s uncertain rapidly changing conditions.


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