Keywords: analytical and corrective measures, structuring, adaptation, consultant, academic and social activities, interpersonal interaction, motivation


The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the scientific conclusions of domestic and foreign scientistsconcerning the process of foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and problematic aspects associatedwith staying in unfamiliar socio-cultural environment, which is highlighted as aim of our work. For achieving this aim, we used the general theoretical methods, including: classification (allowed to systematize a scientificworks and conclusions of researches to outline the chosen direction of own research – the problem-oriented),analysis (contributed to the study of scientific conclusions), synthesis (was directed on the analyzed elements’association for identifying our own conclusions).Results. In the article the results of scientific searches of scientists, which are united by a common subject,which is formulated as a problem-oriented direction was analyzed. The key meaning of cultural shock as the mainnegative element of the adaptation process, which affects the academic and social activities of a foreign studentthrough psychological problems was highlighted. The directions that are the most susceptible to the negativeinfluence of adaptation problems, namely behavioral, cognitive and social, are indicated. It is emphasizedthe role of linguistic training in the framework of the process of socio-pedagogical support, which should becarried out simultaneously with familiarization with the sociocultural norms of the host country, which willallow to form and learn how to practically apply a linguistic and cultural templates when building a contactwith a representative of other society. The role of foreign student motivating during adaptation activities hasbeen updated. It was considered the role of ethnic organizations and groups in which a foreign student cantake part, provided that this interaction is short-term; otherwise, such kind of activity may have negativeconsequences for the process of socialization of the individual.Conclusions. The result of the analytical work is the theoretical results, which should subsequently beapplied in practically directed activities when creating a promising, individual training programs for a foreignstudent; developing complexes of exercises, auxiliary materials and so on.The author considers the prospect of further researches in the study of the works of scientists in other areasof foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and questions of problematic nature (psychological, social)that accompany the adaptation process.


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