Keywords: children, violence against animals, diagnostic measures, prevention, regulation


Purpose. Violence against domestic animals can frequently serve as signs of deviation of child’s development. Precise distinguishing the structure of the technique of preventive work enables children to alter their attitude to animals. Cruelty to the animals determines as a mental disease. International and national legislations are focused on its overcoming. The significance of domestic animals and the development of child had been defined by scientists. The considerable deviations as for treatment of animals demand of timely regulation by the educational process. Methods. Comparative analysis of deviations of children and adults’ attitude to domestic animals enables us to state that opportune prevention of deviations helps to regulate children’s behavior. To define deviations of the attitude to animals, the survey designed on the basis of Ukrainian law on animals’ defense is used. The diagnostic measure may realize for the deeper research diffusion cruelty among the children and adults. Comparative analysis of deviations of children and adults’ attitude to domestic animals enables us to state that opportune prevention of deviations helps to regulate children’s behavior. Diagnostic inspection helps to determine child differentiation without deviations, with considerable deviations and highrisk groups. The preventive and regulation process in direction of regulation attitude to animals is powerful provided it includes variety of work forms, such as: solving problem situation; conversation as for importance of humane attitude to animals; sharing positive associations, memories, observations; fairy tale performing with animals as main heroes; role-playing games; writing an essay; action “Pick up a kitten!” (search and put in an animal shelter); mini-lectures; excursion to the animal shelter; speech of member animal welfare group; psychologist-hour; art exhibition and/or photo-exhibition; training session; rules of conduct with animals. Results. The content, directions, stages, forms and methods of work are distinguished according to the degree of deviation and facilities for educational process at a certain school. The efficiency of the technique is proved by the changes of attitude to domestic animals basing on examining the development of cognitive, psycho-emotional, behavioral spheres of a personality. Conclusions. Summarizing and analyzing the responses of children after the work, we found that, although a small number of people involved in preventive and corrective work, still have significant deviations in relation to animals. Many children remain in an uncertain position in relation to animals, which also requires additional preventive and corrective measures. The cognitive and behavioral sphere of the child is easily corrected in relation to pets and the most difficult – psycho-emotional, which requires long-term preventive influence and development of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual.


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