Keywords: violence, child, abuse, types of violence, risk factors


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign researches of the problem of violence and abuse of children; the concept of “violence” is substantiated; the semantic content of the leading concepts of the problem is revealed. The signs and types of violence against a child are highlighted and systematized. The causes of violence against a child are analyzed, as the commitments of violence, especially against children, become widespread nowadays. To solve the defined tasks, a set of research methods are used in the article, they include: analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization to substantiate the starting points of the study, identify the nature and risk factors for violence against children. It has been investigated and determined that the problem of violence does not arise by itself, it also brings other problems. There are many reasons for violence, it can be: social, economic factors; factors that determine the structure of the family and the model of communication in it; factors related to the identity of the parents, the child, etc. Violence is divided into the following main types: physical, psychological, sexual, and economic or neglect of the basic needs of the child. Each of these types has its own typical features in the set of which a psychologist or educator can identify children who have become victims of violence. The risk factors for violence against a child are described: socio-economic risk factors, risk factors related to the model of communication and family structure, risk factors due to the personality of the parents. It has been emphasized that a child who has become victim of violence suffers serious injuries and may become in the future a potential aggressor both for the society and his own immediate environment. According to the results of the study, we can conclude that it is important to implement a mandatory program of work with a child victim of violence, so that he could overcome this problem, get rid of fear, anxiety, emotional shock, and return to life as a psychologically healthy personality.


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