The article is devoted to the problem of forming the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of professional safety culture in future occupational safety and health engineers. Methods. The work is based on the works of scientists, who applied the principles and ideas of culturological, humanistic, axiological, activity, and personality-oriented approaches, used theoretical methods (analysis and systematization of scientific literature, comparison, generalization, and systematization of information), empirical methods (practical experience, expert evaluation, ranking, expert survey), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The pedagogical conditions of effective formation of the culture of safety of professional activity (CSPA) in future occupational safety and health engineers are defined: formation of positive motivation to master CSPA; updating the content of professional training of occupational safety and health engineers taking into account CSPA component on the basis of interdisciplinary integration; use of innovative technologies of formation of CSPA in future occupational safety and health engineers; development of creative readiness of future occupational safety and health engineers to provide for safe activities. The implementation of the first pedagogical condition involves the creation of a positive attitude and motivation for safe behavior and health at work. To implement the second pedagogical condition, it is important to ensure the design of integrative content, which should contain the following components: labor, legal, organizational and managerial, ergonomic, health, communicative. In order to implement the third and fourth pedagogical conditions, it is topical to cover the application and implementation of innovative technologies, interactive teaching methods, and information and communication technologies, distance and mixed learning systems; investigation of social networks, blocks, sites of international organizations in the field of labor protection; creation of an atmosphere of creative development, self-learning and self-realization. Conclusions. It is established that ensuring effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of the safety culture in future professionals in the field of labor protection will improve the quality of their training in higher education institutions. It is concluded that further research requires consideration and experimental verification of the detected pedagogical conditions.
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