Keywords: translation teachers, educational program, translation, retraining program, advanced training, higher education institutions


The need to train highly qualified translators necessitates the need to train professional translation teachersin higher education institutions of Ukraine. The purpose of our work is to analyze the situation in the fieldof training translation teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine and other countries, analyze the waysand methods of training translation teachers today and develop proposals for possible formats for trainingthese specialists. In order to determine the requirements for translation teachers and determine the conceptualand categorical apparatus of our research we used a number of methods: analysis, synthesis, comparisonand generalization of scientific and educational sources (Ukrainian and foreign ones), as well as observation,questionnaires and surveys to identify problems in the professional growth of translation teachers. It wasrevealed that today there is a situation when translation is taught either by the translators who do not havepedagogical education, or by the teachers of foreign languages who do not have translator’s diplomas and oftendo not have practical translation experience. Both categories require additional training that complements theireducation. The current system of short-term advanced training courses does not fully meet the task of filling gapsin the professional education of translation teachers. The author suggests the development and implementationof programs for retraining and training translation teachers that can be provided for different content depending on the previous experience of translation teachers. In both types of programs, the pedagogical and translationcomponents of education will complement each other, so that graduates will be able to form the educationalcompetencies necessary for a qualified translation teacher in higher education institutions. Special attentionshould be paid to translation didactics which has not yet been taught either in educational program for trainingtranslators, or in programs for training and advanced training of teachers. The prospects for further scientificresearch in this direction consist in designing and developing with taking into account modern achievementsin science and practice of translating the content of the program and implementing it in higher educationinstitutions that need such programs.


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