Keywords: humanitarization, linguisticpersonality, militaryeducation, humanitarian erudition, modernization, humanitarian educational environment


The article deals with the current problems of humanitarian training of future officers while studying inmilitary institutions of higher education, analyzation of the dependence of the studied process on the general stateof modernization of the system of higher vocational education and other circumstances of social and militarypractice. Professional activities of modern officers is multifunctional, poly-semantic in its nature, is an arenaof interaction of many factors, interrelation of people, the establishment of comprehensive cooperation. The purpose of article is to identify the directions of modernization transformations of humanitarian trainingof future officers in the higher military school. The methodological component of research is based onthe complex of theoretical methods, which mutually enrich and complement each other, including historicalpedagogical,system-structural, terminological, factorial and comparative-theoretical analysis, the methodof systematization of the obtained results.Humanitarian training, carried out in the interests of the personality, the state and society, integratesthe tasks of education, self-education, upbringing and self-upbringing of future officers, as well as mechanismsfor the formation of their competencies and such way of thinking, which ensure the unity of humanitarianknowledge humanistic behavior, desire and ability to correlate their own official and personal interest withhumanistic standards. The fundamentals of modernization of humanitarian training of future officers havebeen considered as an ordered optimal set of humanistic strategies, conditions, subjects, methods, and means,which provide coincidence of the achieved results with the set goals of formation of future officers’ socialand professional competencies and humanistic qualities that set vital meanings and state-patriotic basesof service to the Motherland. It has been found that modernization transformations of the humanitariancomponent of educational process are inextricably related to the creative innovative activity of teaching staffof the military institutions of higher education, their abilities to design and create appropriate humanitarianeducational environment, to enrich the content of training and upbringing of future officers with new ideas,experience in practical activities of troops.


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