Keywords: research competence, scientific ethics, language culture, scientific product


The study analyzes the problem of formation of academic integrity in modern graduates of higher education institutions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the innovative means of forming the academic integrity of future professionals in the maritime field. In the process of research the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, and deduction were applied. The results of the scientific research allowed determining the interpretation of the key category of scientific research “academic integrity” in the context of state and regulatory documents that declare the requirements for the educational process in higher education. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the system of the second (master’s) level of higher education is dominated by the strategy of developing research skills of the future specialist. The production of new knowledge takes new forms: students not only master professional courses, but also work on their own research projects: qualification work, scientific article, report on preliminary defense and defense of research, student scientific readings, discussions, research studies and more. The article emphasizes that taking into account the professional capabilities of students of RVO “Master” and the trajectory of dual education in higher education, in the future they can teach some professional courses. Accordingly, the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will contribute to the formation of professional and methodological competencies (ability to methodically, competently organize educational activities, work with scientific texts and scientific sources, etc.), help in work and communication in the team (both permanent and variable), social adaptation; will help to create a favorable emotional atmosphere around you. The logic of the study confirms the need for practical orientation of the educational process in the plane of development of scientific speech of students. It is noted that by means of the innovative strategy “Fishbone” applicants-future specialists in the maritime industry effectively master important categories that avoid plagiarism in their own texts (qualifications, course projects, research articles, reports, reviews, etc.). The article presents exercises and tasks that are practice-oriented to master the parameters of scientific identification ORCID, DOI, author’s h-index, etc. Conclusions. In the process of scientific research the need for development and improvement of scientific ethics of undergraduates-future specialists in the maritime field in the process of formation of academic integrity is substantiated; the method of applying the “Fishbone” strategy in the educational process of future marine specialists is represented.


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