The article considers innovation in the field of education through the synthesis of theory and practice as a branchof scientific knowledge. It is noted that educational innovation is aimed at finding the most effective methodsof transmitting information from teacher to student, in the field of education, it is based primarily on pedagogyand psychology; innovation in education is perceived as a branch of scientific knowledge that explores the educationalprocess and methods of its implementation. Pedagogical innovation includes the doctrine of the inseparable relationship of the following components of the innovation process: the development of educational innovations,their testing and implementation, application in practice and dissemination; the subject of pedagogical innovationis considered to be a set of tools and patterns in the field of development and implementation of pedagogicalinnovations in educational institutions. The article analyzes a number of concepts, in particular: “innovation”,“innovative person”, “educational innovation”. Thus, the concept of “innovative person” is interpreted as a personof such socio-cultural development, who is able to work creatively, to be competitive in today’s conditions.Attention is paid to the problems of forming innovative models of education in higher education. The modelof innovative learning in higher education proposed by scientists is taken into account, which provides for: activeparticipation of the student in the learning process; opportunities for applied use of knowledge in real conditions;bringing concepts and knowledge in a variety of forms, not just in text; approach to learning as a collective ratherthan individual activity; shifting the focus to the learning process rather than memorizing information. The articledraws attention to the interpretation of the definition of “pedagogical innovation”. Pedagogical innovation isa purposeful change that introduces innovations into the educational environment that improve the characteristicsof individual parts, components and the educational system as a whole; the process of mastering innovation;search for ideal methods and programs, their implementation in the educational process and their creativerethinking. It is noted that innovative processes in the education system are perceived as controlled processesof creation, perception, evaluation, development and application of pedagogical innovations. The classificationof pedagogical innovations is given, in particular: by types of activity; by the nature of the changes; on the scaleof changes; by scale of use; by source.
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