Keywords: clip thinking, discourse, foreign students, language training, text


In the late XX – early XXI centuries in the theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign languagethere is a tradition of relying on the text and taking into account the principle of text-centrism at all levelsof building a system of language training. But observation of the development of the theory of linguisticcommunication and discourse, analysis and generalization of modern linguodidactical research allowedthe author to raise the issue of reorientation of modern methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign languageto discourse-centrism. In the offered article the substantiation of the specified thesis on the basis of synthesis of linguisticand methodical researches of a phenomenon of discourse and systematization of defining features of cognitivefeatures of new generation of foreign students which radically differs from all previous is resulted. The authordescribes the concept of discourse as a synthesis of cognitive, linguistic and extralinguistic factors, clarifiesits significance for the language training of foreigners. Foreign students of Ukrainian free economic zones,involved in discourses in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, should develop the ability toadequately perceive, understand and interpret language and speech products of foreign linguistic and culturalenvironment, as well as develop language and speech coding skills by creating their own communicativediscourses by means of a foreign (Ukrainian) language.The article also describes the features of the cognitive type of clip thinking, which is a psychological factorin addressing discourse in Ukrainian linguodidactics. According to the author's observations, the globalityof the virtual pedagogical environment levels the nationally marked cognitive-cognitive characteristics, soclip thinking at this, initial, stage of research of this phenomenon can be considered universal. The resultof the reflection was a description of the requirements for educational content that would meet the characteristicsof this type of thinking; the advantages of focusing on discourse in the process of creating a system of teachingUkrainian as a foreign language for non-philological students are identified. Further development and applicationof the principle of discourse-centrism in the theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign languagewill update all elements of the language training system in accordance with new, not only textual, formatsof verbal-communicative interaction and cognitive needs of the new generation of students.


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