Keywords: psychological and pedagogical component of educational process, pedagogical (production) practice, influence of practice on quality of future profession


An important component of the educational process in higher education institutions is the practical training of students, in particular the passage of industrial pedagogical practice, which is a mandatory component and the result of mastering the psychological and pedagogical component of higher education. The analytical materials of the organization of industrial (pedagogical) practice are presented in the work. Arguments of expediency of effective ways of formation of competitiveness of future teachers in the conditions of school practice are resulted. During the formation of practical skills, future professionals gain experience working with students, teaching staff, parents. The ability to identify acute issues, to organize correctional classes on the problems of student education, to act as a class teacher for future teachers is an important aspect of becoming a professional. The urgency of the problem is primarily determined by the task of reforming the content and forms of training of future teachers, which requires appropriate adjustments in the process of mastering practical professional competencies. The authors present the comments of stakeholders, which are analyzed and the corresponding conclusions are made. In particular, the introduction into the curriculum of the educational component “Theory and methods of educational work in educational institutions”. The practice of industrial (pedagogical) practice shows that the quality of performance indicators increases significantly in accordance with the success of higher education seekers in self-realization during practice. Among the leading competencies that are formed during practice are the development of skills to analyze educational activities, skills of self-control and self-assessment of the process and outcome of pedagogical activities and the ability to analyze difficulties in pedagogical activities and solve them. Stakeholders noted an insufficient level of self-management skills, which should be noted by the organizers of industrial practice. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the significant contribution of industrial practice in the formation of professionalism of future teachers. Research methods. During the study of the organization of psychological and pedagogical practice we used such general scientific methods as theoretical, empirical (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, systematization, generalization).


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