In the article an attempt is made to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions forthe development of professional skills of teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The results of research of formation of the specified quality are presented, actual factors of stimulation of process of professionalgrowth of the teacher are outlined. Generalization of theoretical and practical analysis of the research problemshows that a significant number of teachers have insufficient psychological and pedagogical training, do not showa desire to improve their skills, their self-education is unsystematic and is insufficiently motivated. We considerprofessional skill as a high art of motivated educational activity on the basis of the acquired system of knowledge,skills and abilities, personal qualities and pedagogical experience, which is manifested in the complex solutionof problems of education, upbringing and development on a reflexive basis. According to the results of our study,professional growth occurs in the presence of a set of knowledge, technological and mental entities, which insynchronous integration provide quality mastery of relevant knowledge, skills, motivation, ability to professionalself-improvement. The implementation of this process is ensured by all types of classroom and extracurricularactivities in the integral mode of educational activities of higher education.The materials of research and experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the following organizationaland pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills of teachers of higher educationalinstitutions: the creation of the necessary methodological and information-educational environment;optimization of potential opportunities of academic disciplines and other types of teacher's activity; combinationof traditional and innovative methods; scientific, methodical and psychological support of the processof professional development of a teacher in the educational space of the university; formation of motivationfor professional growth; taking into account the influence of a complex of external and internal factors;implementation of systematic pedagogical monitoring, which in its focus can be considered as a diagnosisof the state and quality of professional activity of teachers. Using the results of such a study allows youto identify the causes and justify effective ways to improve the professional level of each of the teachersand the teaching staff as a whole in accordance with modern requirements.
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