The purpose of the study is to carry out theoretical and methodological analysis and determine conceptualand terminological apparatus of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business.Methods. We carried out scientific and research tasks on the analysis of the terminological apparatusof the research; systematization and determination of components of the methodical system of professionaltraining of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business in higher education establishments with the helpof general scientific methods: theoretical – analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, theoreticalanalysis, system analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific facts and patterns to design a modelof methodological system of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business. Generalscientific methodological approaches (systemic, situational, complex) were used.Results. Based on the analysis of scientific works of Ukrainian scientists, a theoretical and methodologicalanalysis was carried out and the conceptual and terminological apparatus of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business was determined through designing a conceptual model and determiningmethodological principles of the above process. Methodical system based on the unity of mutually determinedcomponents to ensure its effectiveness as a whole was modeled, it projects the possibility of its furtherimprovement. Five components of the methodical system of professional training of future specialists inhotel and restaurant business are determined, namely: theoretical-target, methodological-conceptual, contentprocedural,realization-technological and analytical-effective. Conclusions. Theoretical and methodologicalanalysis of the researched problem made it possible to generalize and single out the main componentsof the methodical system of professional training of future specialists in hotel and restaurant business, as wellas to determine the dynamic relationship between them.
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