In order to reveal this phenomenon the article analyzes the concepts such as “project”, “project method”,“project learning technology” from the standpoint of different approaches of scientists. Determined that projectlearning technologies are a scientifically and methodologically sound process of achieving predictable results, aimed at optimal development of intellectual and creative abilities of future professionals, which provides systematic planning of this process, its content and phased management. Reasoned the possibilities of using in the process of professional training of future teachers-musicians among modern interactive music-pedagogical technologies the intellectual-creative project technologies of teaching, based on educational-cognitive material of musical art, involvement of concepts of developmental learning, intellectual-creative content, as well as actual needs of professional education. The basis of intellectual and creative project learning technologies is the intellectual and creative project activities of students, based on interaction with the teacher. The following activities ensure the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills by students, which is most consistent with the paradigm of personalityoriented education, and also contributes to the intensification of the process of development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers. The practical implementation of intellectual and creative project learning technologies can occur through the implementation of different types of projects: research, artistic, media and educational, the essence of which is considered in the study. The organization of research projects involves predetermined certain stages of work, deliberate structure, purpose, relevance of research, social significance, methods, including experimental methods of processing results. Artistic and creative projects are based on the chosen concept, semantic material, which is based on the educational and cognitive material of art culture and different types of arts: music, pictorial, theatrical, etc. Media-educational projects are based on media forms and means of creating an intellectual and creative product and its functioning. In order to test the hypothesis of positive use of project learning technologies in the educational process and their influence on the development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers within the experimental study was developed a special course “Project learning technologies for development of intellectual and creative abilities of future music teachers”.
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