Keywords: educational management, head of educational institution, management in the education system, training of educational managers, decentralization of education


One of the priority areas of modernization of the educational system in Ukraine is decentralization. Thatindicates the development of the industry on a democratic basis. As a result, educational institutions today havea high level of autonomy in various aspects of activities - from the preparation, adoption and implementationof internal documents that regulate the educational process and guide the vector of institution`s development(charter, development strategy, regulations of the educational process, etc.) to self-assessment activities.Today educational institutions have managerial and financial autonomy, that allows to create a democraticspace in the field of education, where decisions are made by those who directly influenced by itsconsequences. In such circumstances, the head of the educational institution has the key role in the process of implementation of educational reforms in school, he is a translator of modernization changes in daily work.Not only the autonomy and expansion of the powers of the head of the educational institution increased,but also requirements for professional training of managerial staff, their knowledge, skills and competenciesare strengthened. The introduction of new strategies and concepts, the needs for educational, financialmanagement, planning and monitoring of activities in market conditions, the introduction of informationand communication technologies, the use of distance-learning technologies require the head to acquirenew professional competencies. The challenges faced by the education manager when organizing work ina pandemic, the need to respond quickly to changing and unpredictable external conditions require flexibilityand speed of management decisions. Modernization of education during the independence of Ukraine hasnecessitated special training of managers and directed the focus of academic educators and managers to studythe training of managers in the field of education.In the context of globalization and European integration, it is important to study the approaches and experiencesof foreign countries. Because of similarity of historical conditions and culture, experience of Poland as our closestEuropean neighbor is interesting for pedagogical analysis. As the process of decentralization in Ukraine is still inits becoming and the education system in Poland is already successfully implementing that, the object of studyof the article is the training of managers in the field of education in Poland. The article considers the scientificand normative principles of educational management in Poland, defines the legal requirements for applicants formanagers positions in educational institutions and analyzes the basic course plan for education management.


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