Keywords: ecological culture, cognitive component, axiological component, humanistic component, activity component


The article is substantiated, that the concept of environmental culture of students is one of the mostimportant priorities of modern training in colleges, which provides for a proper mastery of the systemof scientific knowledge and practical skills, value landmarks and behavioral and activity imperatives thatcertify the responsible attitude towards the socio-natural environment. and the ability of harmonious interactionwith it. The process of formation of ecological culture is organically inscribed in the context of training,education and personality development, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the conceptof environmental education.The research is carried out on the principle of integrative approach. Its methodological basis isthe generaloretical methods of scientific knowledge, the fundamental provisions of the ecological economy,the concept of sustainable development and environmental ethics. According to the purpose and objectives of the study, the following components of the ecological cultureof students of economic and humanitarian and engineering colleges are distinguished: cognitive, axiological,humanistic and activity. It is revealed that the cognitive component detects human ability to strategic thinking.It contains environmental purposes and closely linked by the concept of strategic forecasting, which providesfor cognitive mobilization of mental resources on the basis of comprehension of environmental risks and errorsand prevention of environmental disasters.It is emphasized that the importance of an axiological component is determined by the fact that human ecologyis now an urgent stage of modern humanism, represented by the system of ideological priorities and meanings,recognition of the value of man as integrity (microcosm), spirituality as a lever of transformation of humanmass behavior with orientation to the implementation of sustainable development ideas and a co-evolutionaryfuture. It is proved that the activity component characterizes the inclusion of a person in the sphere of interactionwith nature, its ecological-oriented activity aimed at protecting and restoring natural resources in accordancewith the level of knowledge and existing values.Summated that the distinguished components of the ecological culture of students of economicand humanitarian colleges provide for the transformation of the general forms of objective cultural reality intothe individual richness of the student’s personality, and his creative potential - in the constructive actualizationof general cultural achievements.


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