Keywords: online education, case study method, role play, leadership skills, collaborative learning


Case studies and role-plays are examples of active collaborative teaching techniques. Online collaborative learning encourages students to learn together in teams using Internet communication technologies. However, online collaborative learning space is not only encouraging but also challenging for both instructors and students. In this article, the authors investigated the application of an online case study method that involves role-play approach (RP/CS) in solving the cases. Due to the shift to online education during the last two years in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, this research study explored the application of online RP/CS in the development of students’ leadership skills, which are of significance for all professions. The purpose of this research study is to investigate if/how the instructors use RP/CS tools in order to aid students in their leadership skills development and how students perceive the application of RP/CS activities introduced in online courses. Course instructors across the West Ukrainian National University were surveyed to identify the courses where the instructors used online RP/CS activities. The focus was on the application of RP/CS in teaching leadership skills. Nine course instructors were interviewed to identify the features around the courses and the use of RP/CS (the aim of the course, the purpose of using RP/CS, and the expected outcomes). 22 second-year students who participated in online RP/CS activities were surveyed online. Seven students were interviewed online. The research purpose was to explore students’ perceived learning, participation, and satisfaction. According to the analysis of students’ surveys and interviews, the participants were satisfied with their online learning experience and felt increased motivation and interest in RP/CS. Thus, the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and other current challenges should not negatively affect the educational process in universities. The creation of a new educational space for interactive learning and the use of active collaborative methods online are of particular significance.


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