Keywords: diagnostic competence, professional competence, integrated assessment, structure of diagnostic competence of a foreign language teacher at a higher education institution


In the article the essence of the concepts “diagnostic competence” and “professional competence”,“pedagogical diagnostics” was revealed and the model of diagnostic competence (DC) of the foreign language teachers at a higher education institution was considered. The purpose of the study is to analyze the experienceof developing the diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in various higher military educationalinstitutions and to identify the positive and problematic aspects of the diagnostic competence of foreignlanguage teachers in the military education system. The concept of “diagnostic competence of the teacher”is defined as the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out diagnostic activitiesto solve professional needs and tasks. According to the authors, DC is an integral and mandatory componentof the professional competence of foreign language teachers in higher education, which is the result of theirdiagnostic training, intellectual, activity and subjective diagnostic ability, as well as professional, personaland psychological readiness to implement its diagnostic function through creative adherence to pedagogicalprinciples and the use of modern methods, techniques, technologies and means of pedagogical diagnosisof foreign language communicative competence of servicemen in pedagogical activities as traditional methodsand means of pedagogical diagnostics and modern mathematical and statistical methods and ICT. The principles,criteria and indicators of DC in the system of military education and their influence on the developmentof diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher educational institutions are scientificallysubstantiated and analyzed. The structure of DC of foreign language teachers of higher education institutionsis also determined and its components are detailed out: value-motivational, cognitive, operational-effective,reflexivecorrective. The content and quality of these components are actualized during the pedagogical activityof foreign language teachers. In the article, the pedagogical conditions for the development of DC of foreignlanguage teachers in higher education are substantiated, namely: pedagogical modeling of the developmentof diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher education in the system of postgraduateeducation; introduction of the technology of integrated assessment of the development of the FLCC (foreignlanguage communicative competence) of servicemen; the use of objective criteria and indicators for assessingthe development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers in higher education. The authorsof the article consider problematic issues related to the development and improvement of the accuracyof determining integrated assessments of the development of the FLCC of servicemen. The main attentionis paid to determining the prospects for the development and the use of diagnostic competence, consideringexamples of its implementation in the educational process in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine.


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