Keywords: distance learning, distance Ukrainian language lesson, online Ukrainian language lesson, distance lesson structure, distance lesson structural block


The purpose of the research is to study the process of transformation of the structure of a modern Ukrainian language lesson in the context of distance learning. To achieve this purpose, the following methods are used: analysis of scientific linguistic and didactic literature, theoretical understanding and generalization of the scientific foundations of the problem under study; observation of the distance educational process in Ukrainian language lessons in gymnasiums and lyceums, analysis of distance lessons of the Ukrainian language. As a result of the study the definition of a distance Ukrainian language lesson as a form of organizing the process of online learning of the Ukrainian language is formulated, which provides for remote interaction between teachers and students in synchronous and asynchronous modes using remote technologies. It is proposed to distinguish this type of lesson from an online video tutorial of the Ukrainian language – a video of an informational and educational nature that simulates the process of teaching the Ukrainian language within an artificially created communicative space. The distinctive features of a video tutorial (YouTube lesson) and a distance (online) Ukrainian language lesson are determined according to the following criteria: accessibility, adaptability, duration, method of regulation, content, mode of conducting, availability of feedback. The main blocks of the distance lesson of the Ukrainian language are highlighted and characterized, which are the following: instructional, monitoring and diagnostic, motivational, informational, communicative and consulting, generalizing, control, final. A universal model of the distance lesson of the Ukrainian language is designed. Conclusions. The structure of the distance lesson of the Ukrainian language is not a replication of the traditional lesson structure, because it depends not only on the topic, type and purpose of the distance lesson, but also is regulated by the features of the use of digital technologies (interactive online didactic resources), adapted schedule and medical safety requirements (rules and regulations) regarding the educational environment for IGSE. Unlike a traditional Ukrainian language lesson, the elements of a distance lesson are not stages, but structural blocks, the content of which, on the one hand, is less situational compared to the stages of a traditional lesson, and on the other hand, is more variable than the content of an online video tutorial of the Ukrainian language. Conducting distance lessons in synchronous mode lasting 40–45 minutes leads to an overload of both students and teachers, which means that individual blocks of the distance lesson, depending on the content, must be organized in synchronous mode, and others – in asynchronous mode.


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