Keywords: creativity, creative abilities, senior preschoolers, children of senior preschool age, educators, teachers of preschool education, preschool institutions


The purpose of the work is to determine the pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative abilities in senior preschoolers in the conditions of preschool education. Methods: the main features of creativity are singled out, which include the ability of a preschooler to create something new, to produce non-standard, original thoughts and ideas in their own activities and communication, to show variability, flexibility and independence of thinking. The criteria of existence of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age are substantiated, among which activity, initiative of senior preschoolers in thinking, activity, communication is allocated; the presence of certain inclinations, abilities, interests, creative imagination; heuristics; imagination; sufficient level of life competence; flexibility of thinking; independence, initiative, the presence of creative potential, activity, focus, improvisation. Highlighted and substantiated: low (low ability of creativity to reproduce the surrounding reality; inability to generate something new that contains original innovations, conceptual plans; lack of initiative, inability to variably diversify, implement and implement certain subjects or knowledge; inability to perform tasks independently), medium (instability in terms of opportunities to generate innovative ideas, to make nonstandard choice of ways to solve problems; the ability to variably diversify, implement and implement certain objects or knowledge; periodic incompetence in non-standard application of experience; the ability to fantasize with new images; manifestations in solving a particular problem, task or task; the need for little help from an adult or peers), and high (ability to invent your own system of rules for solving an unusual situation; speech-situational solution; solving non-standard problems; ability to produce unusual and fantastic images; independent implementation of tasks; formation of own model of implementation of decisions and behavior in society; application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in non-standard situations) levels of creative abilities of senior preschoolers. The results and scientific novelty are that the article highlights and substantiates the psychological and pedagogical factors, pedagogical conditions for the development of creative abilities of older preschoolers and outlines the program of actions in the educational process of preschool education. Pedagogical tools for realization of tasks on introduction of technology of development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age are argued and forms of employment (fantasy classes, improvisation classes, game classes, travel classes, research classes, “fairy-tale interpretation” classes, meeting classes, adventure classes, classes with elements of celebration or celebration, etc.); reproductive, information-receptive, game, search methods and methods of work in classes in preschool education. Conclusions. Substantiated the need to include older preschool children in all types of creative activities (games, classes in logic and mathematics, speech, sports and health development, various arts, in solving creative problems, establishing partnerships in preschool education for formation of creative abilities of senior preschoolers.


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