Current trends in the development of the tourism industry require the updating, which will be focused on improving the quality and humanization of the training process for tourism specialists. We have to point that the society of the third millennium needs a fundamentally trained, educated specialist who is able to clearly define and flexibly delineate the directions and content of his professional activities. Such skills as planning, forecasting, modeling, designing are qualitative indicators of the professionalism of a modern tourism specialist. The current model of training future tourism experts has a subject-centric nature and is unproductive, because the modern education system needs a professional, personality-oriented researcher, who is able to creatively do his activities. One of the most important components of professional competence is scientific and methodological competence, which covers the field of ways of forming knowledge, skills and establishes the dependence of the development of this competence on the quality of professional activity. The need to determine methods of studying of the development of specified competence of tourism experts is associated with testing the effectiveness of research. During the preparation of the experimental study, considerable attention was paid to testing the probability of research hypothesis – creation of a model for the development of given competence of future tourism experts under the presented conditions. The purpose of research is testing the effectiveness of the proposed model. In order to implement the defined aim and check the hypothesis, the following tasks were set in the work, which were gradually solved in experimental groups. The proposed pedagogical experiment is considered as a set of research methods that allow to provide a convincing verification of the probability of the defined hypothesis.
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