Keywords: competence, master of vocational training of transport profile, innovative technologies, professional tasks


The article considers the ways of professional competence formation of future vocational training foremen of transport profile. In the context of this problem on the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature the approaches to a problem of a substantiation of structural components of the teacher of vocational training are generalized. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ways of the effectiveness increase of the professional competence formation of future vocational training foremen of transport profile. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the authors performed a questioning of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers who train future vocational training foremen of transport profile. The research shows that respondents do not pay the necessary attention to the implementation for educational activity activation and the motivation of nontraditional lectures study increase, which are built on the principles of play activities (binary lectures, lecturesprovocations, lectures-press conferences, lectures-visualizations). Various author’s views are analyzed, personal experience allows to state that the technique of formation of technical abilities of students in the course of studying of professional disciplines should be projected in educational process by involvement in various types of educational and production tasks solving aimed at the development of logical thinking, the formation of abilities to make non-standard decisions, etc. Among them are: the introduction of innovative technologies (information, interactive, design) into the educational process; systematic use of non-traditional organizational forms; involvement of students in interactive activities in order to gain experience in professional tasks solving, the inclusion of future vocational training foremen in the implementation of projects on topics that reflect the innovations of the transport industry. It is proved that the use of innovative technologies of future masters of industrial training of transport in the process of formation of professional competence will promote the acquisition of skills and abilities of information and communicative interaction, increase the amount of educational material for creative mastery and use in further activities.


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