The article analyzes the main aspects of personal and professional development of educators in the modernization of preschool education. The concept of “modernization of preschool education” is defined as a process, the course of which over time requires improvement taking into account the requirements and needs of society, requires guidance, provides for variation of a number of measures characterized by certain processes taking into account continuity. It is established that additional challenges create conditions for the competence approach with interdisciplinary educational integration, which exclude the strategy of mechanical knowledge transfer with the consistent formation of competencies of a specialist in the field of preschool education. The purpose of the article provides a scientific substantiation of personal and professional development of educators in the modernization of preschool education in Ukraine. The personal and professional development of teachers is defined as a combination of personal and professional, characterized by stages, accompanied by significant personal changes that ensure the formation of personality in the profession and the ability to solve professional psychological problems. The conditions of personal and professional development of teachers are revealed, which are determined by a set of interdependent factors (acmeological approach, psychological readiness for professional activity in new conditions and creative potential of a teacher). The study found that the tendency to professional self-realization is observed in only 17.1% of educators, ie their characteristic feature is the willingness to implement innovations in the activity, ie they are aimed at the development of professionalism. It is proved that specialists in the field of preschool education (regardless of qualification) in the new conditions of professional activity return to the stage of adaptation, continue to implement professional activity in new conditions with understanding of its new paradigm and values, improve skills and overcome professional difficulties without negative emotional experiences.
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