Keywords: logical-mathematical competence, mathematical preparation of preschool child for school, image-associative memory, innovative pedagogical technology, eidetics, eidetic tool, eidetic reception, structural functional model of the mathematical preparation of a preschooler, preschool institution


The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical justification and practical study of the effectiveness of use of the eidetic tools in the process of mathematical preparation of older preschool children for school. Methods. Substantiated formation of key theoretical and practical provisions of the study of the peculiarities of mathematical preparation of children for school by the eidetic tools was carried out using theoretical and formal-logical methods and techniques of information processing (synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, method of analysis of scientific pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature); empirical research methods (interviews, testing and pedagogical observation, analysis of pedagogical experience); mathematical and statistical methods of information processing. Results. The article analyzes the theoretical and conceptual approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “mathematical preparation of the child for school”. It is established that eidetics is an innovative technology that is of great interest among modern preschool teachers and is actively implemented in preschool education. The role of use of the eidetic tools in the practical activities of educators of preschool institutions is determined. Based on the analysis of modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the author’s structural and functional model of mathematical preparation of older preschool children for school by means of eidetics was developed, which has a three-component structure and includes the following components: motivational-target, procedural-technological and control- reflective. According to this pedagogical model, the author’s program for mathematical training of older preschool children by means of eidetics was developed, consisting of the following blocks: Block I “Formation and development of image-associative thinking”, Block II “Memory Development”, Block III “Attention development” and Block IV “Logical thinking Development”. Taking into account the program and the content of the proposed structural and functional model of mathematical preparation of preschoolers for school, a system of integrated mathematics classes with the use of eidetic tools was developed and tested, presented in the form of a long-term story-role quest game. The article presents the results of approbation of the developed structural and functional model of mathematical preparation of older preschool children for school with the use of eidetics. Conclusions. The conducted monitoring study of the level of mathematical training of older preschoolers testifies to the effectiveness of the author’s structural and functional model of mathematical training of older preschool children for schooling with the use of eidetic tools in mathematics classes developed and tested in the pedagogical work of the preschool institution.


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