Keywords: Ukrainian linguodidactics, history of development, stages of development, development tendencies, directions of linguodidactics


The aim of the research is to investigate the specifics of the development of national lingoudidacticsas a science during the period of Ukraine’s independence, to distinguish and characterize the main stagesof development of modern lingoudidactics.The following methods were used to achieve the goal: analysis of scientific linguodidactic literatureand regulatory documents (standards, concepts, curricula and methodological recommendations for learning the Ukrainian language); the theoretical comprehension and generalization of scientific bases of the researchedissue; abstraction and idealization in the distinguishing of stages of development of modern linguodidactics;inductive and deductive method for determining trends in the development of linguodidactic duringthe independence of Ukraine.The results of the research. The period of formation and development of national linguodidactic duringthe independence of Ukraine covers five stages. 1991–1995 – the beginning of the formation of the conceptualfoundations of the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in independent Ukraine. 1996–2000 –the stage of formation of new linguodidactic approaches in language education. The process of rethinkingthe system of teaching the Ukrainian language had undergone, an understanding the priority of the Ukrainianlanguage as a subject had taken place. 2001–2010 – the period of crisis of the systematic and structuralmethodology of teaching the Ukrainian language and a radical renewal of the linguodidactic foundationsof teaching the Ukrainian language at school and teaching language courses in higher education institutions.2011–2019 – the development of domestic linguodidactics under the influence of global European trendsof globalization and digitalization. 2020–2022 – the stage of adjusting and updating approaches, principles,methods, techniques, teaching tools and forms of organizing education sessions related to the coronavirusdisease pandemic and the remote work, using remote technologies.Conclusions. Since the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century to the present, national linguodidactics hasbeen formed as an independent branch of pedagogical science, which has its own methodology and patterns.During this period, conceptual approaches to preschool and school linguodidactics (in particular, forprimary schools and general secondary education institutions of a new type, the lyceums and gymnasiums),linguodidactics of higher education were developed, the systematic research has been started in line withthe methodology of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The following new directions of linguodidacticshave been formed: competently oriented, personality oriented, cognitive, communicative, digital.


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