The article considers the general ways to prevent academic dishonesty of students while checking their knowledge in distance learning (experience of domestic and foreign universities). Also peculiarities of ways to prevent academic dishonesty of students while checking their knowledge of a foreign language in nonlanguage universities in distance learning have been revealed. Purpose: to analyze the main ways to prevent academic dishonesty of students while checking their knowledge of a foreign language in non-language universities in distance learning. Research methods: analysis, systematization and generalization of psychological and pedagogical scientific research results of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of academic integrity, legal documents of Ukraine, official sites of foreign and domestic universities, sites of foreign companies that provide technical support to prevent academic dishonesty. Results. The transition to distance learning in the COVID-19 pandemic has increased academic dishonesty among students around the world. Violation of academic integrity includes: academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, copying, deception, etc. To solve this problem, there are special companies that ensure the “presence” at the exam of people who use a webcam to identify students and detect suspicious behavior. Electronic applications have been developed that monitor students’ behavior during a test. In Ukraine, teachers are more likely to use webcams to monitor student behavior during a test. Another way is to limit the time of doing the test. A specific way to prevent academic dishonesty of students during a test on a foreign language in the educational process of non-language universities is to select the tasks rationally: using dialogues, writing a business letter or essay “by hand”, using tasks with the ability to mix answers, filling in gaps in the text without a list of words to use, etc. Conclusions. In order to prevent academic dishonesty of students while checking their knowledge, technical means are used or special companies are hired to ensure the presence of proctors (observers) on the exams. Webcams are more common in Ukraine and the test time is limited. An effective way to prevent academic dishonesty of students during a test on a foreign language in non-language universities in distance learning is to select tasks carefully.
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