Keywords: information technologies, research, methodology, educational process, digitalization


The purpose of the article is to analyze the organization of scientific research in Ukraine, to determine ways to implement the requirements of Ukrainian laws on the implementation of IT in the educational process of higher education institutions (HEI). Methods: theoretical analysis of the literature, generalization of observations, explanation of the state of implementation of IT in the educational process, classification of methodological approaches to justify the development of scientific research. Results. One of the branches of scientific research using IT is the preparation of articles, research projects, term papers, abstracts, project activities of young scientists, students, which is an important component of the organization of scientific activities and free educational process. These works are performed in order to integrate the scientific, educational and production activities of the future specialist. The essence is to organize scientific activities, identify and enhance the creative intelligence of subjects, which provides the acquisition and practical use of new knowledge and obtaining scientific products. The algorithm of this is carried out through the creation of a problem, hypothesis formation, the use of new research methods, generalization and systematization of scientific results. We have considered the structure of the organization of science in Ukraine, clarified the meaning of the concept of “system” and “methodology”. The main methodological center of substantiation of IT in scientific research of Ukraine is the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. An important area of encouraging the scientific activity of young scientists is the Competition launched in 2008 by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The center of scientific thought is the Laboratory of NAPS of Ukraine in HEI: in 2012 the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University established the Laboratory of Didactics of Physics, Technological and Vocational Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of NAPS of Ukraine, which concentrates scientific and pedagogical activities graduate students, researchers, students from different regions. Conclusions. Thus, the article reveals the problems of implementing the idea of IT in scientific pedagogical research, features of the organization of scientific activity, outlines the algorithm of scientific activity.


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