Keywords: applicants for higher education, emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, organization of the educational process


The aim of the article is to draw attention to the psychologization of the educational process in highereducation, in particular in martial law, to determine the relevance of the formation of emotional intelligence asa condition of adequate psychological status of higher education. Theoretical and empirical general scientificmethods (analysis, synthesis, observation, systematization, generalization) are chosen as research methods.The article attempts to substantiate the problem of emotional intelligence development in higher education.Emotions are known to play an important role in human activities at any age, especially during stressfulperiods of life. The article attempts to substantiate the problem of emotional intelligence development in higher education. Emotions are known to play an important role in human activities at any age, especiallyduring stressful periods of life. The study proves that the experience of certain emotions and feelings affectsthe formation of the applicant's personality, the restructuring of his views, attitudes to reality. The essenceof emotional intelligence is associated with professional and individual success. Different interpretationsof the content and structure of emotional intelligence allow us to state that a person's life success, personaland professional, depends on the ability to understand the emotional state of oneself and others and direct jointinterpersonal interaction to positive solutions to practical problems. The article emphasizes that taking intoaccount the peculiarities of emotional intelligence, its formation in the context of professional developmentof the future specialist, can ensure professional success. The author draws attention to the justificationof the effectiveness of the discipline “Emotional Intelligence: Implementation in the context of online learning”,the relevance of the content of which is a sign of the times. Note that according to the results of diagnosis, about14 % of applicants with a high level of emotional intelligence. They are characterized by a well-developedability to understand emotions, the ability to behave adequately in a social environment, are characterized byexpressiveness, emotional focus on others, which is manifested in communication and behavior in general.Unfortunately, this percentage is not high enough, so the formation of a person with a high level of emotionalintelligence is a problem of time. We came to the following conclusions. The manifestation of certain skillsof managing the emotional state in problematic situations depends on the formation of the ability to understandthe emotional color of behavior, both their own and others. Emotions help in the realization of professionaldevelopment of graduates of higher education institutions. Practical experience, the results of observationand generalization of survey materials indicate the need to address the development of emotional intelligenceof higher education.


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