The purpose of the article is to outline the possibilities of innovative approaches to the formation of soft skillsof future teachers. The research involved pedagogical analysis, information consolidation, and questionnairematerials for future teachers.Results. The article discusses the relevance of developing of soft skills in future primary school teachers,which are necessary for easy perception of new challenges in the system of education, communication,teamwork, self-improvement. The requirements for a future teacher are revealed: deep knowledge of the subject,ability to be a mediator, developed social skills, external focus, data analysis. The article describes the urgencyof developing soft skills in the education system of Ukraine and the introduction of pilot projects is described.It is shown the possible ways of implementing soft skills development tools in the educational processof professional higher education are presented, in particular, through the introduction of a selective component in the educational and professional program. The tasks of the author’s program and the main tasks of key topicsare presented: Self-development. Self-presentation. Time management. Effective communication. Conflicts.Emotional intelligence. Teamwork. Flexibility and adaptation. Media literacy.New promising approaches to the study of the discipline require appropriate methodological support. Inthe future, the author plans to develop a set of guidelines for students to take into account new technologicalapproaches to learning, a system of active actions for creative self-expression, a variety of tasks designed forindependent work of students, including the Internet.Conclusions. In the modern labor market, it is not enough to have only professional competencies. Theemployer is looking for an employee who will easily work in a team, adapt to new challenges, demonstrateflexibility and creativity of thinking. The system of professional higher education has extensive opportunitiesfor the development of key soft skills in college students. Successful training of children at school depends onthe quality of teacher training, as children imitate their teachers in knowledge, ways of thinking and behavior.
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