Keywords: special teacher, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, development standards, adapted educational program, individualized education, legal support, activation of development


The problems of inclusive education in the education system have recently become especially relevant due to the increase in the number of students with disabilities and disabilities. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find optimal ways to build an educational route for students in these categories. Such an educational trajectory should include not only special conditions that meet the special educational needs of such students, but also be aimed at successful socialization. The main tool for implementing an inclusive model of education is the creation of a quality inclusive educational environment, which includes accessibility, architectural accessibility, adapted educational program, the involvement of special educators and teaching assistants. However, the mechanism for implementing this process is still ongoing and raises many questions and difficulties. That is why this question was chosen. Research of modern scientific sources has the ambiguity of the current situation in the field of construction and implementation of an inclusive model in the education system and allowed us to suggest possible ways to solve these situations. It is generalized that nowadays in Ukraine the support of inclusive practices is provided by the system of legislative acts with the declaration of rights and freedoms of children with special needs and mechanisms for their provision. At the same time, the process of harmonization of national legislation with international legislation on ensuring all conditions for successful inclusive education continues. Purpose. In view of the above, we aim to clarify the specifics of the formation of an inclusive educational environment and identify its benefits for students with special educational needs. Achieving this goal requires determining the content and characteristics of an inclusive educational environment, as well as the state of research on this issue. Methods – analysis and synthesis of scientific sources. Results. In an inclusive educational environment, all children are able to succeed. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the literature on this issue, we present the following benefits for children with special educational needs: in an inclusive environment, children with disabilities demonstrate a higher level of social interaction with other children who do not have such disabilities; in an inclusive educational environment, social competence is increased and the communication skills of children with excellent abilities are improved; children with special needs study according to a more complex and deeper curriculum, thanks to which the process of acquiring skills and abilities is more efficient and academic achievements are improved; the social perception of children with excellent abilities is strengthened due to the methods of teaching in inclusive schools, where it often takes place in the form of group work. Working in small groups, children learn to see a person, not his or her disability, and begin to realize that they have much in common with children with disabilities; friendly relationships between children with disabilities and others without such disabilities are usually more likely to develop in an inclusive environment. Research has shown that children in an inclusive setting have more secure and lasting relationships with friends than children in a segregated environment. This is especially true when children attend a local school in their area and have more opportunities to see friends after school (D. McGregor and Vogelsberg).


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