Keywords: forecasting, pedagogical forecasting, research activity, forecasting skills, forecasting competence


The purpose of the article is to reveal the prerequisites for the formation of the ability to predict in a specially organized research work of future primary school teachers, to substantiate the pedagogical aspects of the development of their prognostic competence as an integrated indicator of future professional development. During the collection, processing, and summarization of materials, a number of methods were used, in particular, the analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of pedagogically appropriate concepts from the problem of forecasting in organized studies of university graduates; monitoring the success of the organization and conducting pedagogical research, which depends on the correctly formulated hypothesis of the work being performed, on the formation of prognostic skills of future primary school teachers. The results. The main material substantiates the reasons for the interest in pedagogical prognostication. It is clear that a modern teacher cannot qualitatively plan and conduct educational activities without relying on appropriate assumptions that help predict the positive results of the set goal. The teacher clearly calculates the correctness of the chosen methods, the levels of formation of the subject competencies of his pupils. For this, he must have prognostic skills. The article provides a number of definitions of basic concepts that help to form the conceptual apparatus of higher education applicants, to comply with the requirements of formulating a hypothesis of pedagogical research (graduation thesis, project). The analysis of scientific works on the problem of the formation of prognostic competence of psychologists and teachers made it possible to single out the relevant pedagogical aspects of the formation of prognostic skills: the formation of a new type of teacher; organization of the gradual formation of prognostic skills, various means of implementing the innovativeness of the educational process of professional training of applicants in higher education, etc. Conclusion. According to the results of the observation and survey of higher education students, it was found out: the process of formation is long and covers all years of study; it is step-by-step, which provides an opportunity to strengthen both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to implement prognostic skills in future professional activity; the main emphasis is placed on master’s training as the main platform for the formation of a given neoplasm.


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