Keywords: gamification, motivation, involvement in learning, educational environment


The purpose of the article is the analysis of gamification as a modern trend, the study of psychological and physiological factors that motivate modern people to game activities, the search for gamified tools (platforms) that have a positive effect on educational activity. Methods. Since the article is of a review nature, an analysis of the source base was used, a generalization of approaches to the study of gamification by specialists in various fields: neuroscience, psychology, pedagogy. The study of this phenomenon requires a multidisciplinary approach. Netological analysis testified to the rapid positive dynamics of interest in gamification in the world and the number of relevant searches. Results. Summarizing the source base allowed us to define gamification as a strategy for using game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals. It is the neurotransmitters that are released in players during computer games that are natural factors in changing behavior. We based our research on Jay Fogg’s model of behavior, in which three key elements are distinguished: motivation, ability and drive. When at least one of these three elements is missing, the desired behavior does not occur. In the work, gamification in education is analyzed as a strategy to increase engagement by incorporating game elements into the educational environment. This is achieved by creating a level of player engagement that is equal to that which occurs during computer games. The real novelty of gamification is the digitization of motivation. Fogg’s model can be used to organize the educational process with the help of appropriate website software. This is achieved through interactive digital tools that are highly engaging and help build new skills and allow for instant feedback. For the implementation of the appropriate educational design, the work highlights some organizational and pedagogical aspects of training optimization, namely: the presence of an evaluation scale with clear criteria for evaluating all types of activities of students; toolkit for calculating the number of points, which determines the significance (progress or regression) of an individual player or team; open access for players with tracking opportunities to move to a new level; taking into account the number of attempts to solve tasks for the objectivity of the assessment; mobility in a virtual or physical environment. Conclusions. Gamification of education can increase student engagement, just as games can improve their skills and optimize learning.


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