Keywords: practical component, professional training, professional competence, future professionals, hotel and restaurant business


The purpose of the article was to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence of future hotel and restaurant specialists in the process of their practical training. During the scientific search, the following research methods were used: theoretical (analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources of information) with the aim of clarifying the state of working out the raised problem in pedagogical theory and practice; empirical (interviews, surveys, observations, pedagogical experience) to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence in future specialists of the hotel and restaurant business. The need for systematic practical training of students of higher professional education is substantiated through the cross-section of stages: performance of tasks in laboratory and practical classes; passing educational practice to acquaint students with the distinctiveness of the activities of hotel and restaurant specialists, acquiring primary professional skills and abilities; technological practice with familiarizing students with the course of the production process and the technological cycle of production of enterprises, organizations, institutions, acquiring skills and abilities in the labor profession and the future profession; professional practice for the generalization and improvement of knowledge, practical abilities and skills on the basis of a specific business entity, mastering professional experience and readiness of the future specialist for independent work. The three-component practical component of the professional training of future hotel and restaurant professionals regarding competence in food technology is proposed, namely: practical and technological (processes of modern production of the food industry and service areas, knowledge of materials, equipment, design methodology, technology and production organization), ethical aesthetic (ethical, aesthetic and legal norms regulating human relations with humans, society and the environment, tolerant perception of gastronomic culture and customs of other countries and peoples), technical and technological (a system of machines, mechanisms, devices and devices, production and research equipment, measuring tools, etc.). Finally, the conducted research made it possible to develop proposals for the implementation of the practical component of the professional training of future hotel and restaurant specialists, namely: taking into account the needs of customers of educational services, the interests of the state, territorial communities and employers; modernization of practice bases, appropriate technical equipment; student-centered learning; employment of graduates; public-private partnership in the field of higher education.


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