Keywords: corporate culture, institution of higher education, “Declaration of corporate culture of KhSU”, corporate symbol, image, Kherson State University


The purpose of the article is to reveal the main indicators of the corporate culture of a higher education institution using the example of Kherson State University. The authors used methods of observation and generalization of the real achievements of university practice in the formation of corporate culture, the analysis of significant events of the institution allowed to determine its main characteristics: traditions, style of management of the institution, external attributes, image measures, etc. The results. The authors raise the issue of active implementation of means of forming the corporate culture of a higher educational institution. Having a colossal experience of 105 years of existence, the university preserves its traditions, expresses its mission, and develops the image component of its activities. The choice of the problem was influenced by the modern conditions of the development of higher education institutions, in particular, the modernization of higher education in Ukraine, the renewal of the management system and the search for an effective version of the educational institution model, which will significantly increase the competitiveness of both the institution and each graduate in the modern market of educational services. The peculiarities of the phenomenon of the corporate culture of the university were considered, the main aspects of the formation of the corporate culture of the higher education institution were determined on the example of the Kherson State University, the peculiarities of the “Declaration of the Corporate Culture of KhSU” were characterized. The corporate culture is characterized, which realizes the function of regulating the behavior of personnel through the system of values, norms, and rules declared by a specific institution of higher education. The article provides image indicators that should be implemented in the activities of a higher educational institution, which should constantly develop, adequately respond to the challenges of society. In particular, these are symbols that embody all the proposed values of corporate culture, allow scientific and pedagogical workers, students of higher education, employees of various departments, and employees to express their identity and consciousness. A single educational and cultural space of the institution, the university community is being created. The site of the Kherson State University, which is the business card of the university and the main source of information, plays a major role. It should be noted such a unit as “KhSU Museum”, where the tradition of visiting the museum by first-year students, meeting with outstanding specialists, scientific and pedagogical workers of the university was started. Events that promote higher education at the regional, all-Ukrainian level are traditional. Conclusions. During its nearly 105-year history, Kherson State University has formed its own corporate culture, which testifies to the uniqueness of the institution itself and its management system


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