Keywords: modeling, literature lesson, lesson structure, younger teenagers, linguistic and literary field, literary education, reading competence, literary work, modern literature.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the concepts of modeling literature lessons available in the teaching methodology of the language and literature field and to describe the components of effective models for studying the works of art of modern Ukrainian writers, introduced in the model curriculum of Ukrainian literature for the New Ukrainian School. In the research process, methods were used – analysis of scientific and methodical literature, current educational documents, concepts, programs and textbooks, observation of the process of learning Ukrainian literature in general secondary education institutions, experimental pilot classes of the New Ukrainian School, comparison of learning results and forecasting the effectiveness of using the developed and theoretically described models of literature lessons. The results. The article analyses the approaches to planning and conducting lessons on the study of artistic works of modern Ukrainian writers in the 5th-6th grades of the New Ukrainian School. The components of the external and internal structures of the Ukrainian literature lesson are revealed, taking into account the generic and genre features of literary works, the contexts of their interpretation, axiological dimensions, and the formation of the reading competence of younger teenagers. The essence of the main components of lessons on the study of artistic works is highlighted. The effectiveness of the application of traditional methods of teaching literature with the use of the latest information technologies for visualizing students’ ideas about the content and form of artistic works has been proven. Conclusion. According to the results of the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, observation, comparison of the predicted results of studying Ukrainian literature in 5-6 grades of general secondary education institutions, the effectiveness of permanent structured lesson models for studying the works of modern Ukrainian writers using traditional methods of teaching literature with the use of the latest information technologies for visualization has been proven students’ ideas about the content and form of artistic works.


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