Keywords: approaches, principles, lexical competence, English for professional purposes, English professionally-oriented oral communication, prospective ecologists.


The aim of the article is to define the range of approaches that ensure the process of building a lexical competence in English professionally-oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists and to outline the didactic and methodological principles of building a lexical competence in English professionallyoriented oral communication of prospective ecologists. The methods of pedagogical analysis, classification, systematization, generalization of information have been used in the research. The results. Lexical competence in English professionally-oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists is built and developed in the context of EPP teaching that belongs to ESP, has undergone the several stages of development and implies professionally-orientated teaching of the English language. Conclusions. Based on the analysis, the range of approaches and principles which outlines the process of building a lexical competence in English professionally-oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists has been defined. It has been found out that this process is regulated by a set of approaches that with regard for the specifics of building a lexical competence in English professionally-oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists (learning in the framework of ESP, subject, acquisition of professional lexis and professionally-oriented communication) include: competence (implemented through presentation of learning content on the level of students’ ability to effectively use lexical knowledge and skills during professionally-oriented oral communication), activity-oriented (focuses on authenticity of learning material and students’ autonomy with teachers’ guidance), problematic (entails solving burning ecological issues with overcoming certain obstacles) and professionally-oriented ones (substantiates the peculiarities of professional activity, students’ needs and interests). The didactic principles of building a lexical competence in English professionally-oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists are interdisciplinarity, integrity (based on interdisciplinary integration with preservation of theoretical and practical wholeness of disciplines) and the principle of activity (envisages intensive learning activity of each students as an active participant of learning process). The methodological principles encompass the principles of diagnosing the acquisition levels of the target competence (implemented through a set of control and evaluation activities aimed at defining the level of the target competence), unity of material and technological provision (focuses on adjustment of learning content to the forms of organization, methods, technical and visual aids), professional bias of English learning communication, encouragement of speaking and listening within problem situations of professionally-oriented communication (presumes intensive execution of exercise and assignments, aimed at building in prospective ecologists the skills of dialogical and monological speeches and listening).


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