Keywords: pedagogical conditions, physical culture and sports specialists, implementation of pedagogical conditions, use of sports games, children of older preschool age, formation of readiness of physical culture and sports specialists to use sports games in work with preschool children.


The analysis and generalization of information on the subject of the study shows that today there is no training of physical culture and sports specialists for the organization of sports games with preschool children in institutions of higher education. The formation of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills of students to work with preschool children takes place without taking into account the specifics of their future activities. Given that the modernization of higher education in Ukraine is aimed at the development of promising models of training qualified specialists in accordance with European standards, the problem of creating the necessary pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of physical culture and sports specialists to work with preschool children is becoming actualized. The purpose of the article is to determine and characterize the components of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the readiness of physical culture and sports specialists to organize sports games with children of older preschool age. In the process of research, we used such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, and systematization. The implementation of pedagogical conditions was based on the professional training of future physical culture and sports specialists to work with children of preschool age in two stages, thanks to which it is possible to ensure the gradual, high-quality and sustainable formation of each of the components of their professional readiness for future professional activities. At the first stage of professional training, the candidates were formed to have optimal physical fitness for further implementation of their own experience in physical culture in their practical activities. At the second stage of the professional training of future specialists in the physical education of preschool children, the acquirers of the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills regarding the implementation of physical culture and health technologies in the practice of work of preschool educational institutions of various types took place. A set of approaches, forms and methods formed the methodological basis of our scientific search. The conducted research made it possible to conclude that the educational, upbringing and health-improving influence of the elements of sports games on preschool children will be effective only if the training is conducted by a professionally trained specialist. This is the specificity of the process of teaching sports games and various types of game activities for the specified category of children. The obtained materials were used in the process of modernizing the professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports to work with children of older preschool age, to improve the educational process in institutions of higher education.


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