The integration of education system of Ukraine into the European educational space sets new requirements for effective forms and methods of teaching higher education students. This raises the issue of finding new approaches to training future specialists, in particular, specialists in ship navigation. Maritime journals and circulars provide an inexhaustible source of case studies for many curriculum disciplines. Cadets acquire various information about real-life shipboard emergencies with a detailed description of the circumstances, which has a propaedeutic function to prevent similar cases in the future. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of applying the case method in the practice of training future ship navigation specialists. The article substantiates the peculiarities of self-realisation of students in the learning process, their selforganisation during the activity, and intensification of cognitive activity in working with cases. The nuances of implementing the case method in the context of distance learning are revealed. The organisation of classes is practical, and the work on the case forms the experience of modelling a real situation from the sphere of seafarers’ professional activity during their work on board. Of interest for our study is the planning and organisation of cases that require solving a specially created problem situation, and the search for a way out of it is always complicated by a whole range of circumstances, features, risk factors, etc. As a result of finding a solution to such situations, higher education students, in addition to practically trying on the behavioural model of a maritime specialist during certain work on a ship, learn to think critically and logically and receive a specific algorithm for action in similar circumstances for their future work. It should be noted that the use of the case method is appropriate only in the senior years of study at a higher education institution, when students already have systematic knowledge of a range of specialised disciplines depending on their specialisation, while the use of cases is interdisciplinary and is used in classes in such fundamental disciplines as maritime English for professional purposes, occupational safety, the basics of occupational health and safety on board a ship, etc.
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