Keywords: readiness for professional activity, differentiation and individualization, components, future teachers of natural sciences.


The relevance of the researched problem is determined by the need to modernize education, which requires an increase in its quality in the direction of training a new generation of pedagogical personnel capable of meeting the requirements of modern society for the education of the younger generation, focused on mastering solid knowledge and skills in subjects, in particular, of the natural science direction. The necessity of forming the readiness for professional activity among future teachers of natural sciences is emphasized from the analysis of scientific research and publications. The objective of the article is to highlight and analyze some aspects of the structural and component characteristics of the phenomenon of “readiness of future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity” as a result of their training at higher education institutions. The methods of theoretical and critical analysis, synthesis, abstraction, concretization, direct observation of educational and professional activity, theoretical and critical-analytical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem in order to identify ways to solve the problem were chosen as research methods. Research results. The readiness of future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity is defined as a set of professional qualities, natural science knowledge and skills, as well as experience in pedagogical activity, which make it possible to successfully solve the tasks of teaching within the scope of natural science education of pupils, taking into account such characteristics of the subject as fundamentality, integrability, integrity, intersubjectivity. The main structural components of the studied readiness are defined as motivational, cognitive, activity, and reflexive. The practical value is that the concept of “readiness for professional activity” has been described, the structure of readiness for professional activity has been generalized in view of the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. Conclusions. The readiness of future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity is a kind of integral personal creation, the level of formation of which is determined by the expressiveness and harmonization of its components, which synthesize and integrate a set of professional (natural-science, methodology) knowledge and skills and personal qualities, determine the ability to adapt, responsibility in decision-making, and self-development ability.


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