Keywords: critical thinking, formation of critical thinking, students of higher education institutions, approaches to critical thinking formation, critical thinking assessment.


The purpose of the article is to highlight current scientific theories and approaches to determining the essence and content of the concepts of “criticality”, “critical thinking” (hereinafter – CT) in various scientific perspectives for the purpose of further development and implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies for the formation of CT among students of higher education. Results. It has been found that CT is a demanded competence in the modern labor market due to a number of factors, such as: the growing role of CT as an integral part of management in situations of uncertainty; increase in the volume and speed of access to information and communication; one of the skills to adapt workers to innovation; etc. To achieve its goal, the article applies general scientific and special research methods, such as methods of comparison, analysis, generalization and interpretation of psychological and pedagogical literature; a number of positions of a systematic approach. The article describes approaches to interpretation of basic concepts of CT, such as: “criticism”, “criticality”, “criterion”. A brief overview of the main scientific theories influencing the formation of CT is provided, namely: analytical philosophy and logics, the hypothetical-deductive scientific method, pragmatism, psychoanalysis, critical theory of the Frankfurt School, feminist tradition. Approaches to the formation of CT in psychological and pedagogical sources are examined, such as: philosophical; sociological; psychological, encompassing cognitive skills and dispositions to CT; pedagogical, the basis of which can be any of the approaches mentioned above. It is noted that the evaluation of the CT depends on its conceptualization. Critical thinking tests differ in their goals, formats and contexts, but there is a tendency to combine two test formats (multiple choice tests and open-ended tests) into one test. Conclusions. Thus, the acquisition of CT by students of higher education institutions is one of the requirements for their future employment. Modern approaches to the formation of CT provide ample opportunities for teachers to implement pedagogical technologies in the educational process of a higher education institution. At the same time, there are certain difficulties with the selection or development of pedagogical technologies for the formation of CT.


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