Keywords: language training of cadets, language standard NATO STANAG 6001, communicative competence, situation modeling method, drill technologies.


The aim of the study is to identify scientific approaches and principles of organizing the process of language training of cadets of higher military educational institutions and justify the feasibility of their application. Since the article is a review, the following theoretical research methods were used: methods of comparative analysis and generalization of the provisions of guiding documents and theoretical sources on the research problem. Results. Ukraine’s foreign policy course is aimed at gaining membership in NATO, therefore the issue of ensuring the appropriate level of foreign language proficiency by military personnel is currently getting particular importance. The process of language training is focused on the development of the communicative competence and is based on the general didactic principles of scientificity, systematicity, consistency, continuity, autonomy of training, the connection of training with practice and special principles that are interconnected and introduced comprehensively in the language training process. The linguistic and didactic principles of communication, that take into account the cadets’ communicative needs and cognitive abilities, are considered when choosing the content, methods, forms, and means of education. Conclusions. Scientific approaches and principles of organizing the process of cadets’ language training are singled out and the expediency of their application is substantiated. Theoretical analysis of scientific research and guidance documents of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine made it possible to determine that the organization of the process of cadet’s foreign language training is based on the recommendations defined by the NATO Language Standard STANAG 6001. It is carried out in accordance with the educational programs of military specialists by specialty. It was found that the most optimal method of learning a foreign language is an intensive method focused on achieving specific practical goals. Samples of dialogues (drill technologies) and simulated communication situations are presented. The method of modeling situations of military-professional activity and the communicative method are defined as key means of forming communicative competence, as they contribute to the development of the ability to communicate in a foreign language in non-standard situations. Cooperation between Military English teachers and specialists of educational and scientific centers of language training, as well as teachers of specialized disciplines, is emphasized.


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