Keywords: lexical competence, innovative technology, active learning, the method of associative symbols, the process of learning English, indicators of implementing the method of associative symbols.


The article is devoted to one of the current issues – the implementation and utilization of innovative methods and forms in English lessons. The characteristic features of innovative education are explored, emphasizing the necessity of its implementation in the rapidly developing modern society. The article reveals the peculiarities and content of innovative teaching technologies, determining the relevance of their implementation into the practice of organizing the educational process in Primary school. The main focus is placed on both the theoretical and practical aspects of the method of associative symbols and its impact on cognitive processes of the students in the elementary school level. The article highlights the effectiveness of using this method and its positive influence on learning, particularly in the acquisition of lexical material. The purpose of this article is to justify the relevance and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the Associative Symbols Method as an innovative means of teaching English. The research employed the following methods: a review of educational normative documents in Ukraine, scientific literature including articles, books and other sources that highlight the topic of the Associative Symbols Method, systematization and generalization of information. Results. Based on the observations, we have found that the application of the method of associative symbols in the English language learning by primary school students is a relevant and promising direction for the development not only of their communication skills. The research shows that the implementation of this method contributes to the improvement of the vocabulary learning and the development of lexical competence. Creative opportunities are activated, and motivation to learn the English language increases. The method of associative symbols ensures equal interaction between the participants of the learning process. Both the teacher and the learners become active participants in an interesting and enjoyable game, where they establish the rules themselves and create symbolic images that help to reveal the meaning of new language phenomena. In order to achieve this, the teacher works productively during the preparation for the lesson: attention is paid to the peculiarities of the class (considering the pace of learning, psychological state, level of imagination development, etc.). Conclusions. Summarizing the results of observations during the implementation of the associative symbol method, we can conclude that this method is pedagogically appropriate in the practice of teaching English. The application of lexical exercises, the development of the ability to make relevant associations, and active communication both with the teacher and within the group lead to the activation of the English learning process and the formation of a strong motivation for learning.


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