Keywords: education, SMART-complex, educational process, methodological training systems, teaching aids, technologies, stages of learning.


The article presents a generalized description of the research results on identifying specific didactic features of SMART complexes in education. Their main objectives, place and composition within modern SMART education have been characterized. The “SMART-complex” is defined as a special combination of technical means and modern software technologies with the educational process methodology, the use of which at certain learning stages allows achieving effective educational results through the organization and motivation of active independent learning work via digital information educational resources. The main objectives of SMARTcomplex in the methodological system as well as the teaching aids system are to organize independent personalized learning work at different stages of learning through digital information educational resources. It has been established that SMART-complexes as learning elements are characterized by certain specific didactic features: they organize training, taking into account the stages of learning and the requirements of teaching methods; perform the role of a teacher at certain stages of learning; have a peculiar compositional design and implement special tasks as part of the methodological training system; function organically and clearly in the subsystem of teaching aids; determine the tasks, place and composition of the complex through the learning objective; serve as an integrative task for combining and using electronic and digital information resources, information and communication networks, and computer programmes; perform an adaptive function in organizing learning and presenting learning content. The generalized scheme of SMART-complexes’ place in methodological training system as well as the teaching aids system has been offered.


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