Keywords: competence, competence approach, knowledge, skill, skills, historicism, innovation


The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the feasibility of building an educational paradigm based on the concept of the New Ukrainian School based on the competence approach in the process of students' assimilation of scientific knowledge, the formation of abilities, skills, and creative thinking. To achieve the goal, modern scientific approaches (competent, synergistic, paradigmatic, axiological, socio-cultural, technological) and methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, which revealed the main factors of the competence paradigm; study and generalization of the works of the developers of the «New Ukrainian School» Concept; analysis of materials of online resources on organizational-pedagogical and scientific-methodological support for the implementation of the competence approach in the New Ukrainian School; survey of students, primary school teachers. As a result of the research: 1) it was found that the software developers of the “New Ukrainian School” Concept, O. Savchenko, R. Shiyan, assumed that knowledge forms the basis of competences, which in turn is realized through abilities, skills and values; 2) it is shown that the «New Ukrainian School» Concept clearly prescribes the skills that students must possess: understanding what they are reading about (reading with understanding); to think critically and systematically; to express one's opinion; to justify one's position logically; to be creative and proactive; manage emotions constructively; assess risks; make a decision; solve problems; cooperate with other people; 3) it is justified that, in general, the skills defined in the Concept can be divided into 2 groups – knowledge and socialization. The last ones form the basis of the formation of professional competence of future specialists in various spheres of human activity; 4) it has been proven that to ensure the implementation of this approach in today's conditions, taking into account such a factor as a measure of competence – the ability of an individual to mobilize acquired knowledge and skills for real practical skills, it is necessary to develop appropriate organizational-pedagogical and scientific-methodical support. Conclusions. Scientific research has confirmed that knowledge should be the basis of the school’s educational process, and the practical implementation of the competence approach is connected with the need for practical use of knowledge and skills. We are talking about expanding the practical component in students through the introduction of a wider range of practical knowledge and new disciplines – IT, cyber security, financial literacy, ecology, health-saving technologies, the basics of nutrition and medicine, etc. And so, the competence approach should be considered in the context of historicism and innovation; and more precisely, the integration of traditional and innovative education. More broadly, in the educational environment, it is necessary to use all forms of extracurricular, educational, scientific, and extracurricular activities; take into account the «tutoring institute»; training according to the author's programs, which will give an opportunity to pay more attention to the practical aspect of the acquired knowledge, which can be a further topic of scientific research.


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