Keywords: health-preserving activities, physical education, physical development, psychological and pedagogical support, early age children


The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of implementation of tasks related to the organization of physical education of early age children in the conditions of a preschool education institution. To achieve the defined goal, the following research methods were used: study and analysis of theoretical sources, questionnaires, interviews, pedagogical observation, generalization of the obtained information. Results. The views of scientists and practitioners regarding the importance and expediency of organizing the physical education of early age children in preschool education institutions, taking into account the peculiarities of their physical and mental development, are analyzed and summarized. An analysis of educational programs for physical education of early age children is made. The state of practice in the organization of the pedagogical process of physical education of early age children is analyzed. The results of the activities of preschool education institutions on the problem of organizing physical education of early age children are analyzed. Questionnaires were analyzed and the results of conversations with educators on the specified problem are highlighted. The reasons that interfere with the systematic implementation of physical culture and health activities in early childhood groups are substantiated. The results of a questionnaire survey of educators on the problem of organizing physical education and health care of early age children are presented. Attention is focused on the important problems of organization and psychological and pedagogical support of physical development and health care of early age children in preschool institutions. The need for systematic pedagogical observation of children during various forms of physical culture and health interaction is substantiated. Conclusions. The conducted analysis of our local study suggests that educators have a value attitude towards the need to implement health-preserving activities in early childhood groups. They understand the importance of possessing a system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively conduct various forms of work on physical education and health improvement of early age children. The majority of teachers are absolutely convinced that movement play as a means and method of physical education is an important means of forming the physical culture of a child's personality. However, they note that it is necessary and important to develop appropriate pedagogical tools for the effective implementation of specific forms of physical culture and health care work with children. The perspective directions of work on this problem are proposed, which involve the need to develop a technology for the implementation of specific forms of educational interaction in physical education of early age children, in particular children of the second and third years of life.


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