Keywords: success, successfulness, pedagogy of success, pupil successfulness, self-realization, situation of success


The aim of the article is to research the phenomenon of success through the prism of pedagogicalscience. To achieve the goal, such theoretical methods as system-structural analysis of domestic and foreignpsychological and pedagogical sources concerning the problem of successfulness, generalization, comparisonand reinterpretation of the obtained data were applied. The research methodology consists of person-oriented,acmeological, axiological, competence and environmental approaches.The results. The study of the phenomenon of successfulness made it possible to obtain the followingresults: there is a fundamental difference between the concepts of «success» and «successfulness»; the concept of «successfulness» is considered chronotopic, which is difficult to clearly define, as it is related to an individualvalue system; it was found that in modern studies there is no unequivocal position of scientists regardingthe content load of the concept of «successfulness»; it was determined that the concept of «successfulness»has objective and subjective aspects.It is noted that the research of the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science, as wellas a critical understanding and a new reading of the achievements of the classical pedagogical heritage, willcontribute to a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of successfulness. An analysis of the pedagogicalideas of H. Skovoroda, K. Ushinskyi, A. Makarenko, Ya. Korchak, and V. Sukhomlynskyi in the contextof the phenomenon of successfulness was carried out. According to the results of the study, the concept of «pupilsuccessfulness» was clarified as a holistic set of personality traits based on positive thinking and lifestyle, whichreflects the recognition of the pupil's achievements in the school team and the immediate social environmentand characterizes the state of the pupil's satisfaction with the results of his own activities, his desire to developharmoniously and the ability to productively to act in various life situations and fully fulfill one's duties.Conclusions. The reflection of the classical pedagogical heritage and the creative developmentof representatives of modern psychological and pedagogical science allowed us to come to the conclusionthat in the educational environment of the general secondary education institution, it is quite possible tocreate conditions that contribute to the formation of the successfulness of a growing personality, the creationof a platform for its successful social start.


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