Keywords: sphere, industry, management, activity, physical culture and sports team, management culture, personnel


The article reflects the basic principles of the formation of the management of daily activities of physical culture and sports teams or societies. It was found that the system of general physical culture and sports management and its individual structural elements considered have their own clearly defined structure and structure, which, in addition to the number of staff and positions, includes a permanent set of general human, professional, social, ethical and aesthetic norms, knowledge, abilities, skills, beliefs, opinions and requirements both for each individual employee and for the entire team in general. Having clarified the interpretation and meaning of certain terms and definitions that interested us from among the necessary legislative and other scientific sources of legal, administrative, reference and physical culture and sports orientation, we proposed to replace the term «sphere» in the Law of Ukraine «On Physical Culture and Sports» to the term «industry» in the phrase «in the field of physical culture and sports» to a somewhat narrowed, but, in our opinion, more specific concept, such as «in the field of physical culture and sports». Taking into account the almost identical identity of both considered terms, we believe that in the further development of the Law it is necessary to clearly define the positions, limits or directions of their use in the «sphere or industry» system, depending on the further general needs of physical culture and sports. In addition, it was established that the larger and longer, selected and wide, timely adjusted or generally positively changed assortment of performed actions, functions and services will serve as an effective means of achieving the set goal, the less often the subject and object under study will be affected by negative conditions -factors of internal or external mental or psychological conflict, which can usually arise when conflicting issues, decisions, knowledge, ideas, beliefs or already existing behavioral settings. Also, in the course of the research, the specific orientation of the vast majority of the studied persons to achieve a successful result was revealed.


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