The purpose. The purpose of this article is to develop a research concept on the selected problem based onthe analysis of works by domestic and foreign scientists that directly address the topic of digital transformationin education. It aims to examine and analyze digital transformations in the field of teacher professional trainingin Ukraine and identify promising directions for the use of digital transformations in education.In the process of setting the problem, the research is used a set of general scientific methods: theoretical:analysis and synthesis with a goal determination of the main areas of digital transformation researchprofessional training of teachers; empirical: the study of scientific works and the legislative frameworkregarding the digitalization of professional training of teachers in Ukraine etc. Results. Within this study, we have analyzed the processes of digitizing teacher professional preparation.The relevance of this direction stems from the fact that teachers play a crucial role in the developmentof individuals within the education system, especially in preparing them for life in the digital world. Therefore,modern teachers need to have developed digital competence and the ability to foster it in their students.Summarizing the information obtained through the study of literature sources, it can be concluded thatpromising directions for the use of digital transformations in education include the creation and utilizationof various digital resources and services for gasification learning and remote communication, as well as platformsfor distance learning, among others, as oriented by Ukrainian pedagogical researchers and practitioners.Conclusions. Thus, despite the considerable scientific achievements in the field of digital transformationof teacher professional training, research in this area remains relevant, as digital technologies are constantlyevolving, thereby changing the possibilities of their application in education. The main characteristicof digitizing teacher professional training is that digital technologies in the educational environment serve bothas a means of instruction for developing students' digital competence and professional competencies, and asobjects of study that students themselves will have to teach schoolchildren.
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