Keywords: interactive learning, learning methods, brainstorming, group work, project method


The article examines interactive methods of teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic majors.In view of the growing globalization and the expansion of Ukraine's international cooperation programs,mastering foreign languages is becoming an increasingly important component of students' competence,especially those who are engaged in specialties related to international relations, finance, economics, bankingand other non-linguistic fields.Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the effectiveness and justification of the advantagesof using modern interactive methods in the process of teaching a foreign language to students of non-language faculties, as well as to reveal the essence of the proposed methods as a tool for optimizing and stimulatingthe learning process.Methods. In the course of writing the article, the following research methods were used: analysis, description,synthesis, induction, deduction, cluster analysis to evaluate the teaching methods of students of non-languagemajors.Results. The article analyzes interactive teaching methods aimed at improving the communication skillsof students of foreign languages. Traditional methods such as role-playing, dialogue and group projectsare described, as well as newer approaches, including the use of computer programs. The peculiaritiesof the application of interactive methods of teaching English to students of non-linguistic majors are considered,examples of teaching methods are given and methods of their implementation are analyzed. In the courseof writing the article, the following results were obtained. The activation of students' cognitive activity isconsidered as a necessary condition for successful foreign language learning. The advantages of using roleplayinggames and real communicative situations, which increase the student's interest and motivation, whichare necessary for successful foreign language learning, are determined.Conclusions. The following conclusions were obtained. In order to achieve a successful learning result, itis advisable to combine classical teaching methods and various modern interactive methods of teaching foreignlanguages. Having generally analyzed the main interactive teaching methods used in the process of teachinga foreign language to students of non-philology majors, we can conclude that they give students the opportunityto identify problems, collect and analyze information, find alternative solutions, and also choose the mostoptimal way to solve problems in the process of both individual and group work in classes.


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